When the county fairs start rolling around, I know fall is coming. I never paid much attention to fairs until I married Brad. Now I look forward to taking the boys to see the animals, walk through the projects, ride the rides and sign up for the tractor pulls. I'm sure this along with the fact that I shop for John Deere apparel and spent time with my kids reading John Deere books contribute to the fact that I might be a redneck.
It all began when Trent was little and would drop what he was doing and run across the yard as soon as Brad fired up his Model 'B' or even his John Deere lawn tractor. When he was 4, Brad took Trent to a farm store special event where he participated in his first kiddie pull and won. Since then we have participated in the kiddie tractor pulls at our local fairs. If, like me, you are unfamiliar with these events, basically they pedal a little tractor pulling a sled with weights. The sled gets heavier as you pedal.
Trent has been a natural at these since he was four and we have a shelf full of trophies. It didn't take him long to learn to pedal. I remember when, at three, he bought his first bike with a gift card. We came home, I got it out of the car, put his helmet on, and he rode the bike. When he was four we took the training wheels off and away he went. Simple as that.
This summer Ian is three and a half and we have been working on pedaling since the snow melted. I know his legs are strong enough, but there is something about pushing backward on the pedals to get the brakes that just doesn't click for him. So when August came around I had my reservations about putting him in a kiddie pull. The kiddie pulls start at age 4, but Ian was so excited about participating I told Brad we would put him in the 4-year-old division so he could try. For his first tractor pull, Ian proudly marched up to the tractor, hopped on board, looked over at our family, pedaled maybe twice and hopped off. Trent went on to win in his 7 & 8 division and was able to proudly display his trophy beside his others in the family room. Trent was proud and Ian didn't seem disappointed so I considered it a success.
At the next fair I again signed Ian up for the 4-year-old division. But this time something clicked. He got on the tractor and started pedaling. He continued all the way to the ending block and in the 'pull-off' ended up with a third place trophy! He was so excited and Trent was so happy for him! Trent placed first in his class and they were both happy to add their trophies!
Now Ian is so proud that he can pedal his bike right beside Trent! It is always fun to master another skill. And now we are ready for fall!