

There are a few reasons I haven't written for a while, but mainly because this Lent I decided to try to spend less time on the computer and more time with the kids. I am working hard to make our down time quality time! Although sometimes it seems like we don't have a lot of down time these days, I do what I can!

Last week we really made tracks with the end of wrestling season for Trent and the beginning of Mighty Mites Basketball for Ian, we met with the councelor again, I had my bone and CT scans, I began the process of refinancing the house, got the house appraised, closed Brad's Estate, attended a 'Mass of Explaination' for Trent's First Communion, went with Trent on a field trip, I had chemo (thanks to Neupogen) and I started another round of radiation, and got several things wrapped up at work!

It was a busy week, but we did it and everything seemed to fall into place! Once again, I have to thank everyone in my family who helped put all the pieces into place. I have a cold and have had a few days when I felt a little puny, but for the most part I am getting along pretty well. Sometimes in the afternoon I hit a 'wall' and realize I just can't go any further. So I take a break. The radiation on my arm is a breeze and it is treating a tumor that I have known was there for a long time, but it is important to get it treated before it fractures. Ten days of radiation and I'm done.

Today was a beautiful day! After wrestling in the morning the boys and dad got a few things done in the yard and we ran a few errands. The boys rode their bikes and scooters and I sat in the sun. It must be something about the Vitamin 'D' because it really made me feel better!

Here is the best part of my week...drum roll.......

I just sat down to read my email for the first time since Friday and there was a message from my doctor:


Enough Said.