
The Saylors take DC!

Our trip to Washington DC was a huge success! The boys were so excited to board the train that we have watched enter and leave the station so many times! We navigated the Metro, saw some sites and had a good time! It was our first trip without a stroller and, ironically, it was Trent who was looking for the stroller toward the end of the day. We walked and walked and walked and walked. I was shocked that Ian and I could keep up the pace! Also there was obviously no nap for Ian and he didn’t have any meltdowns! They were certainly not as interested in the Smithsonian’s as I had hoped but I guess they figure if you’ve seen one airplane, gun, spaceship, etc., you have seen them all. Here are a few things I learned from our trip:

First, I am old. And I say that because the minivan that we had growing up, the white one with the wood paneling on the sides, it is in the transportation area of the Museum of American History Smithsonian.

Secondly, I have turned into my parents. I recall my eye rolling and loud sighs at both Antietam and Williamsburg specifically (although I am sure there were others) when my parents wanted to stop and read every sign. We spent two hours in the Museum of American History and I feel like I could have been there way longer. Brad and I decided we will take a day and pick two Smithsonian museums to go through without our children.
Also, if you pack enough snacks and water in two backpacks, our family can go all day!
And finally, if I could have scheduled a train to take us from our house to the closest 7-11, it would have been just a good for the boys!

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