I remember that chaotic staff meeting in the spring of 2005. Our recreation coordinator had unexpectedly resigned and we were trying to divide his job responsibilities. Spring time at a Parks & Recreation Department is like the calm before the storm and, with our limited staff, it was important to get organized quickly. I volunteered to work on the summer concert series figuring it would be a fun way to spend some time in the park with Trent.
And so it began. And every Thursday evening at 7pm since then, basically from the end of school until school starts again, we go to War Memorial Park. Sometimes I pack dinner and sometimes we stop and pick up something. But, generally, we have a picnic in the park, greet the band, and then the boys run and play until it ends. We clean up and head back over the mountain. Two sweaty, greasy, tired boys, each with a cup of water for the ride home.
This summer I feel like we have truly arrived. I can send the boys to play on the equipment where I can see them and spend a few minutes talking with our sponsors or the bands. I even get to sit on a bench and visit with my dad who usually comes to hang out with us. The park is filled with the sounds of kids laughing and music playing. It wasn't always so relaxing though. There have been hot summers with someone in diapers, or in a hot stroller, or being held because he couldn't walk yet. There were potty accidents and tantrums, bottles and spit ups. Sticky kids who just wanted to go home. Back then I counted the concerts and week by week I celebrated that I could check another one off the schedule.
Then there was the summer when I was going through treatment and was too weak to chase a 5-year-old and 16-month-old through the park on the summer nights. My co-worker and good friend, Aly, volunteered to take over until I was up to it again. I remember passing the park on a Thursday night. As I was wondering if we would ever be able to attend them again, Trent got upset because he realized we had been missing the concerts. I remember how he kept repeating, 'but mom, we need to play in the park, it's Thursday.' It was on that night that I cried going home over the mountain. And it was that night when I realized what a fun opportunity those Thursday night concerts offered to me. It had become my time to visit with my dad and be with my kids. A sort of date night. Thursdays at 7pm. All summer long.
Since then, I get a little excited in February when I start working on sponsors and booking bands. I look forward to Thursdays because the kids get so worn out and they have so much fun. Tomorrow is concert number 8 of 12 and I have to admit that I am sad that we are getting so close to the end of our Thursday night dates. It is going to be a hot night in the park and we are feeding and greeting the United States Army Cruisers Band. It will be warn and sticky, but the lifeguards have offered the kids the option to join swim lessons to cool off. We will play mini-golf, the kids will ride the merry-go-round (or merry-go-around) until they make ME feel dizzy, they will make friends and play, and help JD put the barricades away. Then we will head back home, over the mountain as the sun sets with two sweaty, greasy, tired boys in the backseat with a cup of water each. And I will think about how wonderful it has been to spend Thursday evenings in War Memorial Park with them.
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