

Last week my dad took me to Hopkins to get my injection and see my doctor. We were a week behind because of a snow storm the prior week. Sometime between my scans (a CT and Bone scan) and seeing my doctor I caught a cold and was having pain in my chest especially when I coughed or sneezed. So, while discussing my scans, I also mentioned the issue I was having. As far as the scans go, most of my spots are the same or just slightly worse. My organs are still free and clear of any signs of cancer! We will use the scans as a baseline and rescan in a few months to see how this new drug is doing. I will get a MRI of my head in March to see how things are going up there, but I haven’t had any seizures, headaches or blurred vision so I take it that is a good sign! I found out the chest pain was due to a new fracture in my sternum. It won’t change my course of treatment, but it sure smarts when I cough or sneeze. I have had to take some pain medication so I’m not a total grump, but I haven’t missed any work and can still keep up with the boys so it isn’t too bad.

This week has been like a dream. Not a single doctor’s appointment. One blood draw to make sure that the Coumadin dose is OK. Dad watched Ian for a few hours on Monday morning so I could volunteer in Trent’s class. I have really missed being at the school and seeing the kids! I worked all day Tuesday and Thursday. I worked until noon on Wednesday when, during lunch, Trent’s teacher called and said he had gotten sick on the playground. I have driven the kids to school, made dinner, done laundry, and managed the bedtime routine. For the first time since Halloween I took Ian to Preschool, walked him to his classroom, and helped him with his opening craft! I am even feeling caught up at work! I still get frustrated at the things I can’t do, but then I try to concentrate on all the things I can do now that I couldn’t imagine doing just six weeks ago!

When I went to bed last night I said my prayers and was thankful for a normal week. That may sound silly, but it really feels good to be somewhat back to the normal routine! I also remembered those that I know who are trying to find peace and a new normal. Like my two friends who recently suffered the loss of their young children, my friend who had surgery to remove cancerous tumors from his chest last week, my friend who is getting ready for a mastectomy, and my friend who is watching her grandmother slowly fade away. I pray that God helps give them what they need right now and that they are able to return to a new ‘normal’ soon.

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