
Relay for Life

Brad and I decided this morning that we must be crossing the line into veterans of the cancer fight. In the past, we would spend weekends like this pacing the floor and worrying about the future. Yesterday we continued with a much needed playdate for the boys and truly enjoyed listening to the kids talk, watching them play, and Brad even enjoyed the tour he took them on in the woods! Today we are going to 'make hay while the sun is shining' and he is going to go to work while dad picks the boys and I up to run some errands. Then tonight we can make it to church!

Since my mom's diagnosis, I have always wanted to create a team for our Local American Cancer Society's Relay for Life. I have been a part of many relay events in the past, but this local event always looks like so much fun. The first year I attended, Trent was getting ready to turn one and I went for the survivor lap. The following years we go for the survivors lap and tend to linger a little longer, watching the events and visiting the people we know who are members of teams. The boys didn't want to leave last year. They were having too much fun! I can't wait for them to see the track lit up at night with all the luminary bags in honor and in memory of so many people. I would love to have a long string of luminaries in memory of my mom...they will think that is incredible!

So, this is the year! With Scott's help, we chose a team name and I spent some time this morning setting up our page. I would love to invite anyone in the area to join our team if you can...it can be a great weekend of fellowship for a terrific cause! Scott has jumpped in and is helping with some of the footwork and we may try to have a yard sale/bake sale in April or May to raise money for our team.

Our team name is Toni's Terrible Towels and our page is http://main.acsevents.org/goto/toniterribletowels

Have a great weekend everyone!!

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