
The Dish

Mary Jean Valent Gusic taught me how to play bingo. She was a short, black haired Croatian woman who was full of love and hugs with some spunk and determination added in. She was the epitome of what a grandma should be. She would get on the floor and play with us, always had food ready, and doted on us like we were perfect all the time! She was also very good at bingo. Although childhood memories can sometimes be a bit 'blurry,' I do have some memories of her that are still crystal clear. I must have been about Trent's age when I played bingo with her for the first time because she passed away when I was 10.

We were at the Greene County Fair and I don't think there was anything I didn't like about that fair. I remember the double farris wheel, betting quarters on the horse races with my cousins' Pappy, spending time in the barn with my cousins, and my Aunt Carol buying us those string bracelets with the metal clasps so we could ride all day. But mostly I remember playing Bingo with grandma under the pavilion.

In my mind I remember it being dark under that pavilion with the breeze blowing through the crowd. People, mostly women, would be sitting on the wooden picnic tables with their cards and markers. At one end was a long table filled with odds and ends...the prize table. Grandma was good. She had several cards and I remember wondering how she kept up. I played my one card and, although I don't remember calling BINGO, I do remember standing at that prize table. It was full of knick-knacks, plates, clocks and basically, well, junk. Because, after all, it was more about the socializing and playing than the winning. I remember picking out a light green dish and thinking it was such a treasure when I gave it to my mom.

Last Saturday I was telling this story to Brad and Trent, trying to describe the treasure I had won and sharing stories of grandma. On Sunday after church I went into my mom's sewing room to get a game down for the kids and there it was. Sitting on the corner of the file cabinet, filled with old buttons. My bingo prize! Of course I asked my dad if I could take it to show Brad. After all these years I can look at it and it brings back my memories of sitting in that hot dusty pavilion side by side with grandma. It doesn't match a thing in our house but it will always be prominently displayed. Everytime I look at it I will think of her and I wonder if she will have my bingo card waiting for me the next time I see her!

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