
Up to speed

The Relay for Life was such a wonderful event and the next day I was TIRED! Originally I thought I was just tired from the day, but as the week progressed I realized that the radiation had finally caught up with me. The fatigue is perhaps the most annoying side effect I have ever experienced. After a full night of sleep I would still feel like I was moving through mud. Ten minutes of straightening the kitchen and I would have to sit down and rest for a while.

Compounding my frustration with the fatigue was the fact that on Sunday we met with my family to celebrate Trent's birthday since everyone was in town. That week was also filled with the boys' annual physicals, a trip to Hopkins, a summer concert, trying to work, and getting our family ready for a week at the beach. To add insult to injury, I also received my Zometa drip at Hopkins on Wednesday and it always makes me achy and sore.

I did take the computer to the beach thinking I would blog on the deck in the sun while listening to the waves. However, I found visiting with our friends and reading my book more relaxing! I did make a list on my cell phone of blog topics and as life settles down a little in the next few weeks I will start chipping away at those.

For now, I do have some great news to report. My CEA this time was a 31! (Normal is anything under a 32.) This is fantastic news for me! It means the Xeloda is working and I will continue taking it until things change. I have made some dietary changes and have been taking my anti-nausea meds continuously. This has made a HUGE change in my stomach issues! So, I will battle the fatigue for a little while longer and continue looking for signs that my hair is coming back!

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