
I really like your hair!

So, the other day a vendor came into my office and, as soon as she saw me said, "oh, I really like your hair." I wasn't in the mood to go into the long story about how it was a wig and then explain that I have cancer, so I just said 'thanks' and we moved on. When she left I started thinking about it and decided being bald isn't so bad. I have two wigs, both about the same color. One is straight and the other is curly so I do have a little variety. Wigs make getting ready in the morning super quick and I haven't had a frizzy hair day all summer!

With that said I still stand by my mantra from my first go-round with baldness all those years ago...'a bad hair day is better than a no-hair day.' So, I was excited last week when I realized that my head was itching! I had noticed that my eyebrows were growing back a few weeks ago and was so excited at the possibility that my hair was making a comeback. When you have spent time being bald, even the shortest hair seems lush and luxurious. The boys were happy to inspect my scalp and report that indeed stubble was starting to appear!! Visions of hair clips and blow drying starting to fill my head until Brad took a closer look. It seems that for some reason my hair is coming back in a 'male pattern baldness' way. The sides and back are full of stubble, while the top is still as smooth and shiny as a baby's behind!

I really thought that like last time, it would be an all or nothing thing: bald or hair. It never occurred to me that it would grow back half way. Good grief. It is really funny to look at though! I guess for Halloween all I will have to add is a red nose and a bicycle horn!

I wonder what the vendor will have to say the next time I see her!

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