
Find the joy

I consider myself to be a joyful person. A little dramatic sometimes and defiantly a type ‘A’ personality, but for the most part I’m happy. I am not good at sad. I can do it for a while, but then it gets old. Sometimes I’m good at feeling sorry for myself. Snapping me out of that was something Brad was great at. He would baby me for a little while and then let me know when it was time to get over myself and get on with my life. I would then focus on all the good things in my life and find my joy.

I remember a time last year when I had just had my brain tumor removed and my pelvis was fractured. He put the boys to bed and then helped me get cleaned up. As he was laying me in the bed I started to cry. I looked at him, still wearing his work clothes because he hadn’t had time to change; then around the room at the stacks of laundry. Then I thought about the dirty dishes still in the sink and I knew he was getting overwhelmed. He asked me if I was in pain and I told him no, but that maybe it would have been easier for everyone if the brain tumor had just taken me. He looked me square in the face and said, “you are full of shit.” And that was that. That was my queue to stop feeling sorry for myself and snap into shape. That night, when I got up I used my crutches to get to the bathroom instead of waking him up. I worked a little each day at getting better and started thinking about all the great things in my life.

I realized this weekend that I have been feeling sorry for myself lately. I’ve gotten frustrated, been grouchy, overwhelmed and whiny. It’s time to write some thank you notes and remind myself that so many people have been super supportive in so many ways.

This week I am going to work on happy. I want my boys to remember that no matter how bad you think things are, you can certainly find people who have it worse. I also want them to learn that when things are rough you really have to concentrate on your blessings. The joy is there; sometimes you just have to look a little harder to find it!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Toni. Your words are insightful and inspiring as always. I don't know where you find the strength to hold your head high and move forward, but am so glad you know it is within you. Your boys are so lucky to have you. I hope you realize that having such a graceful yet strong mother like you will most certainly shape them into beautiful people. The lessons you are teaching them are invaluable. It's not what happens...it's how you handle what happens that makes you who you are. I hope the spirit of both your Mom and Brad shine through you and give you the courage to find your happy. There is no one I know more deserving of some happy. Love and light to you and yours~
